I can't keep up with this thing. Getting ready for the store opening has been time consuming and I can't even imagine what it's going to be like after we open and I begin to work full time. Nevertheless, I've really enjoyed my time with the company so far. It's been like summer camp. Everyone's new and getting to know each other, and we're all honestly just having a good time. The company has made it a lot of fun and it's a really positive atmosphere.
Tomorrow, we're heading out to Toronto for the weekend to visit my grandmother, my aunt, and her family. I have been trying to get this trip in the works for a couple years now, so although it will be short, I am so thrilled to be going. Downside: we are driving. I have no idea what will be in store. I just hope BB can handle it. It's a lot of time sitting for her and I am praying she will take a couple long naps en route. I can't wait to see my grandmother -- haven't seen her in 5 years -- and can't wait to introduce BB and Dave to her. Must run out later to get some things for the car ride. Wayne is hitching a ride with us, which will be good company (only I wish he could drive).
Debating whether or not I should stop off at the store today. I forgot to pick up my gratis (free stuff!) on the way out yesterday and I wanted to take some time to shop a little because of the specific discount we get this week. I shouldn't really even write more about it. If BB is in a good mood, we shall go.
Hmmm...what else is new? I am now obsessed with hosiery. After seeing all the products at the store, I am just frickin' obsessed with all the possibilities. Yesterday, I picked up some gray/purple capri leggings and fine fishnet tights. Planning to get more, but only after I go through my loot and take inventory. DKNY makes great tights. All the colors are amazing. Plus, I want to pick up some Juicy sweater tights that are so soft and beautiful. Hosiery can really make a statement. Hell, I might even splurge on a few pairs of Wolford's.
BB will start daycare full time next week. I think she'll be just fine. They've been having classroom transitions this week and all seems well. Gotta go now.
30 August 2007
16 August 2007
Post #90: I promise, I'm still here!
I sound like a broken record, but I've been so awful about coming here to update. Something about uploading pictures onto my computer and then incorporating them into a blog entry (let alone writing that entry) just seems so tedious. Sorry. I've really been wanting to update but have been too lazy to put it all together. I have the day off today, so here I am and I am determined to get back into this! Whoever is reading this probably doesn't believe I'll be back, but I'm trying!
Things have been getting crazy around here again, especially since I have begun to train for my new J-O-B. I think it smartest not to divulge too much about work here, but I will say that I've had a blast so far and if it is any indication of how work will be on a regular basis, then I am absolutely thrilled. I've met a lot of great people so far and I am excited to have some adult social interaction beyond home and family & friend life.
Since the weather has been so nice this month, Dave and I have been trying to get BB outside as much as possible, and we try to do it when all three of us are together (it gets difficult with his work, my work, daycare, being tired, etc.). This past weekend, we went into the city and spent time in the Public Garden, strolling around Beacon Hill, and checking out the India Day celebration going on at the Esplanade.
The India Day celebrations were neat. There was also a lot of food and we had some tasty vegetarian samosa and an even better mango lassi (it was like drinking a mango). We spent the day just walking around the city that day. Basically, it was Dave and me asking each other which street we wanted to turn on next and we just went wherever. I had never walked to the top of Beacon Hill before (posh) and I realized there is still a lot of Boston I still have not seen despite living there for a few years. I think I restrict myself to Back Bay too much.
Tuesday, I had to run an errand in Newton and I had BB with me. On the way back home we stopped at a playground in Wellesley so BB could play and have some fresh air. I wish I had some friends who had babies too, because something like this is perfect for groups -- so the kids have other to play with and the moms can sit and chat. Still, we did manage to have fun, just the two of us.
Modeling in the sandbox. Actually, there was a boy a little older than BB sitting right next to her who was making her laugh just by yelling "DIG!" He thought he was so cool, making her laugh.
BB enjoyed shoveling mounds of sand and then "gifting" it into my hands, followed by a xie xie (thank you in Mandarin) each time.
So, hopefully not jinxing myself, I must say that I've been very happy lately. I'm so enjoying BB and all the changes she's going through. She's learning to talk now and it is the most amazing thing. As I said before, she started jumping today and it is so funny because she barely gets off the ground but it so proud of herself. Whenever I ask her for a kiss, she leans in and plants one on me. It is the best.
I'm going to go for now, but I will try to be back soon. I've been taking more pictures (check flickr for more). *** JUST NOW: My computer shut down on me! I thought it could have crashed because the screen pixels just went nuts, but phew, everything is still here and THANK GOD FOR AUTOSAVE!*** Also, BB just spilled vanilla soymilk onto my keyboard...I need a new computer. Time to go now. That's enough excitement for one entry.
Things have been getting crazy around here again, especially since I have begun to train for my new J-O-B. I think it smartest not to divulge too much about work here, but I will say that I've had a blast so far and if it is any indication of how work will be on a regular basis, then I am absolutely thrilled. I've met a lot of great people so far and I am excited to have some adult social interaction beyond home and family & friend life.
Since the weather has been so nice this month, Dave and I have been trying to get BB outside as much as possible, and we try to do it when all three of us are together (it gets difficult with his work, my work, daycare, being tired, etc.). This past weekend, we went into the city and spent time in the Public Garden, strolling around Beacon Hill, and checking out the India Day celebration going on at the Esplanade.

Tuesday, I had to run an errand in Newton and I had BB with me. On the way back home we stopped at a playground in Wellesley so BB could play and have some fresh air. I wish I had some friends who had babies too, because something like this is perfect for groups -- so the kids have other to play with and the moms can sit and chat. Still, we did manage to have fun, just the two of us.

I'm going to go for now, but I will try to be back soon. I've been taking more pictures (check flickr for more). *** JUST NOW: My computer shut down on me! I thought it could have crashed because the screen pixels just went nuts, but phew, everything is still here and THANK GOD FOR AUTOSAVE!*** Also, BB just spilled vanilla soymilk onto my keyboard...I need a new computer. Time to go now. That's enough excitement for one entry.
06 August 2007
All stuffed up!
Ughhh, experiencing major congestion right now. Feeling wheezy and sluggish. I would be drinking oj but, according to my main girl Martha, it doesn't aid at all in curing el cold. I'm supposed to be doing all this stuff today but can't really remember what needs to be done...
I'll update later about my weekend.
OH, one thing I was supposed to do is upload pictures. Might not get to that today. Sorry!
I'll update later about my weekend.
OH, one thing I was supposed to do is upload pictures. Might not get to that today. Sorry!
02 August 2007
BB's ninth tooth has recently come in, and it's a big honking molar. I'm surprised we only noticed it recently because it's almost completely grown in. Teething doesn't faze my baby, no, no.
P.S. Just saw on the afternoon news that Natick Collection is going to have some new concept stores in the new wing. I knew that Ruehl No. 925 was an Abercrombie for those who are 22-30, but now J.Crew is opening a store called Madewell that features more casual clothes at more affordable prices (YES!) and American Eagle is opening a store for those who are 25-40 called Martin + Osa (interesting). I am going to go broke.
P.S. Just saw on the afternoon news that Natick Collection is going to have some new concept stores in the new wing. I knew that Ruehl No. 925 was an Abercrombie for those who are 22-30, but now J.Crew is opening a store called Madewell that features more casual clothes at more affordable prices (YES!) and American Eagle is opening a store for those who are 25-40 called Martin + Osa (interesting). I am going to go broke.
01 August 2007
A Lovely/Lazy Day
Lately, I have had no idea how to spend my time both while BB is home and at daycare. I had the day to myself so I decided to test out my new shoes and go workout for an hour. There is a perfectly fine and well-equipped gym in the building next to us and, although we have lived here just about a year (wow!), it was my first visit today. I think I did alright for the First Official Day of Fitness That Will Hopefully Lead to Many, Many More. I did the elliptical and bike. I'm going to try to avoid the treadmill for now because 1) the constant pounding is bad for my flat feet and 2) I hate to run. I haven't generated sweat like that since my days of athleticism (glorification) back in high school. I need to get my damn legs in proportion with the rest of my body and I must be able to look at them and not immediately think of marshmallows.
After my long shower, half of which was spent gently exfoliating my clogged pores, Dave came home for lunch. I like it when he comes home for lunch -- especially when the baby is at daycare, if you catch my drift.
I went to The Atrium later 1) to see if I could waste any money at J.Crew and 2) to get some ideas for a housewarming present for my mom. I walked out only with a passionfruit smoothie from Surrealist Cafe. Is that a good thing? I can't really bring myself to spend money lately (except yesterday when I splurged on some Chanel nail lacquer that I am now not really so fond of now that I can see what it looks like on my nails). That will all change this weekend because Dave's sister Wanda hooked us up with Friends & Family discounts for Banana, Gap, Old Navy, and Piperlime. Ha! I really need some clothes for work. I even have to show up for training in business attire. Eek.
Oh, yes, I have a new job! Hired in one day on my first try. I will be working at Nordstrom in Natick when it opens September 7th. Simple job, yes, but the key for me is STRESS FREE, and being a huge company they also have great benefits and promote from within. And, of course, there is that retail perk of in-store discounts. MUST. EXERCISE. CONTROL. I've got a lot of training to absorb within the month but I am excited. I really hit it off with my manager and I feel like she gets me. Phew! That's all I'll say about it for now.
Looks like I'm heading to my mom's for the weekend to help her out with the house. Dave offered to watch BB over the weekend so I'm going to take him up on that offer before he realizes what he's done. This means I'll be getting my camera back, too, so we'll be back in action! It's getting late, so I'm going to watch a little bit of Weeds Season 2 and then hit the sack. Ta!
After my long shower, half of which was spent gently exfoliating my clogged pores, Dave came home for lunch. I like it when he comes home for lunch -- especially when the baby is at daycare, if you catch my drift.
I went to The Atrium later 1) to see if I could waste any money at J.Crew and 2) to get some ideas for a housewarming present for my mom. I walked out only with a passionfruit smoothie from Surrealist Cafe. Is that a good thing? I can't really bring myself to spend money lately (except yesterday when I splurged on some Chanel nail lacquer that I am now not really so fond of now that I can see what it looks like on my nails). That will all change this weekend because Dave's sister Wanda hooked us up with Friends & Family discounts for Banana, Gap, Old Navy, and Piperlime. Ha! I really need some clothes for work. I even have to show up for training in business attire. Eek.
Oh, yes, I have a new job! Hired in one day on my first try. I will be working at Nordstrom in Natick when it opens September 7th. Simple job, yes, but the key for me is STRESS FREE, and being a huge company they also have great benefits and promote from within. And, of course, there is that retail perk of in-store discounts. MUST. EXERCISE. CONTROL. I've got a lot of training to absorb within the month but I am excited. I really hit it off with my manager and I feel like she gets me. Phew! That's all I'll say about it for now.
Looks like I'm heading to my mom's for the weekend to help her out with the house. Dave offered to watch BB over the weekend so I'm going to take him up on that offer before he realizes what he's done. This means I'll be getting my camera back, too, so we'll be back in action! It's getting late, so I'm going to watch a little bit of Weeds Season 2 and then hit the sack. Ta!
28 July 2007
Ok, I admit, I've been avoiding my "comeback." In addition to not knowing where to start, I just find myself more in the need for down time when time frees itself up. Continuing this blog is definitely something I desire, so I might as well just start anywhere and the rest will come out along the way. I make my absent time sound so dramatic, but it really wasn't really like that.
I am too lazy right now to upload pictures (plus, I left my camera at my mom's), but here's what's happened in the recent past. I went to my mom's last weekend to help pack up because she found a house in the town where I went to high school she loved -- and as of today she is officially moved in. I wish I could be there to help out more, but it is difficult to help with BB in tow. I'm thinking of her constantly and hoping she will be able to get her furniture, etc. all figured out.
Speaking of BB, she is just great. She's a climber (found her the other day with her hands on the coffee table and her feet on the sofa...) and is finally beginning to talk; the most impressive word being "xie xie" (Mandarin for "thank you"). She's been going to daycare since May and has been doing really well with that. I'm just glad that she's able to socialize with others her age a few days a week. Also a perk, she's been able to get that nice summer tan that has eluded me for years. Actually, I'm not so sure that's really a "perk" when you're talking about babies, but don't worry, she wears sunscreen every day. Gotta protect that beautiful skin. I'm just jealous.
Dave got a job right out of school as a financial analyst and has already gone on his first business trip. I'm so proud of him. He is beginning to study for the CFA. All the material just looks so intense and intimidating. He also bought a car, which was a huge relief on our commuting situation.
Today, Dave bought me some new kicks at Paiva because I am determined to start working out. There is a perfectly pristine workout center here and I have not used it in the whole year (wow) we've been living here. I've been enjoying my time off, but have been getting a little antsy, so I'm trying to find ways (both lucrative and...uh...not) to keep myself busy.
That should be it for now. How random! Must make some dinner. I'm thinking tofu + baby bok choi.
I am too lazy right now to upload pictures (plus, I left my camera at my mom's), but here's what's happened in the recent past. I went to my mom's last weekend to help pack up because she found a house in the town where I went to high school she loved -- and as of today she is officially moved in. I wish I could be there to help out more, but it is difficult to help with BB in tow. I'm thinking of her constantly and hoping she will be able to get her furniture, etc. all figured out.
Speaking of BB, she is just great. She's a climber (found her the other day with her hands on the coffee table and her feet on the sofa...) and is finally beginning to talk; the most impressive word being "xie xie" (Mandarin for "thank you"). She's been going to daycare since May and has been doing really well with that. I'm just glad that she's able to socialize with others her age a few days a week. Also a perk, she's been able to get that nice summer tan that has eluded me for years. Actually, I'm not so sure that's really a "perk" when you're talking about babies, but don't worry, she wears sunscreen every day. Gotta protect that beautiful skin. I'm just jealous.
Dave got a job right out of school as a financial analyst and has already gone on his first business trip. I'm so proud of him. He is beginning to study for the CFA. All the material just looks so intense and intimidating. He also bought a car, which was a huge relief on our commuting situation.
Today, Dave bought me some new kicks at Paiva because I am determined to start working out. There is a perfectly pristine workout center here and I have not used it in the whole year (wow) we've been living here. I've been enjoying my time off, but have been getting a little antsy, so I'm trying to find ways (both lucrative and...uh...not) to keep myself busy.
That should be it for now. How random! Must make some dinner. I'm thinking tofu + baby bok choi.
07 July 2007
2 months, 1 day
I'M BACK! It's been way too long and I am looking forward to starting this up again. I'm a little too tired to write tonight, but check out flickr for new pictures. I lot has changed since the last time I was here.
Sit tight!
Sit tight!
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