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Post #90: I promise, I'm still here!
I sound like a broken record, but I've been so awful about coming here to update. Something about uploading pictures onto my computer and then incorporating them into a blog entry (let alone writing that entry) just seems so tedious. Sorry. I've really been wanting to update but have been too lazy to put it all together. I have the day off today, so here I am and I am determined to get back into this! Whoever is reading this probably doesn't believe I'll be back, but I'm trying!
Things have been getting crazy around here again, especially since I have begun to train for my new J-O-B. I think it smartest not to divulge too much about work here, but I will say that I've had a blast so far and if it is any indication of how work will be on a regular basis, then I am absolutely thrilled. I've met a lot of great people so far and I am excited to have some adult social interaction beyond home and family & friend life.
Since the weather has been so nice this month, Dave and I have been trying to get BB outside as much as possible, and we try to do it when all three of us are together (it gets difficult with his work, my work, daycare, being tired, etc.). This past weekend, we went into the city and spent time in the Public Garden, strolling around Beacon Hill, and checking out the India Day celebration going on at the Esplanade.
BB snacking on grapes and Goldfish.
Dave brought his WSJ.
BB had a lot of fun pushing her stroller around the green.
Watching the ducks, geese, and swan boat.
BB + a scenic view of the Charles on the Esplanade.
The India Day celebrations were neat. There was also a lot of food and we had some tasty vegetarian samosa and an even better mango lassi (it was like drinking a mango). We spent the day just walking around the city that day. Basically, it was Dave and me asking each other which street we wanted to turn on next and we just went wherever. I had never walked to the top of Beacon Hill before (posh) and I realized there is still a lot of Boston I still have not seen despite living there for a few years. I think I restrict myself to Back Bay too much.
Tuesday, I had to run an errand in Newton and I had BB with me. On the way back home we stopped at a playground in Wellesley so BB could play and have some fresh air. I wish I had some friends who had babies too, because something like this is perfect for groups -- so the kids have other to play with and the moms can sit and chat. Still, we did manage to have fun, just the two of us.
BB is all about throwing balls these days. Today, she just started jumping, too!
Had to bring her snack with her.
Screaming with excitement.
Modeling in the sandbox. Actually, there was a boy a little older than BB sitting right next to her who was making her laugh just by yelling "DIG!" He thought he was so cool, making her laugh.
BB enjoyed shoveling mounds of sand and then "gifting" it into my hands, followed by a xie xie (thank you in Mandarin) each time.
So, hopefully not jinxing myself, I must say that I've been very happy lately. I'm so enjoying BB and all the changes she's going through. She's learning to talk now and it is the most amazing thing. As I said before, she started jumping today and it is so funny because she barely gets off the ground but it so proud of herself. Whenever I ask her for a kiss, she leans in and plants one on me. It is the best.
I'm going to go for now, but I will try to be back soon. I've been taking more pictures (check flickr for more). *** JUST NOW: My computer shut down on me! I thought it could have crashed because the screen pixels just went nuts, but phew, everything is still here and THANK GOD FOR AUTOSAVE!*** Also, BB just spilled vanilla soymilk onto my keyboard...I need a new computer. Time to go now. That's enough excitement for one entry.
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