1. BB now has TWO teeth coming in. They're the middle teeth on the bottom. Although she's been in a little pain, everyone is excited for her.
2. BB also started crawling Friday evening!!! I seriously thought this day would never come since it always looks like she wants to stand instead, but I guess she really wanted the cell phone across the floor. Dave and I bought a pack 'n play and various other baby-proofing gear because BB is one mischievous little baby.
3. Third, she ate adult food -- mainly soft noodles and rice porridge. It's been fun to slip her some food here and there.
Aside from these things, BB is starting to furniture cruise and she can also say "mama, mamama." I'm very excited, but I'm sure she doesn't know that that's my name yet. The babbling is super cute, though. We're only two and a half months away from her first birthday...how time flies! Must start thinking about party ideas!
The rain has made the day very gray and soggy, but here are some pictures from last Thursday in Connecticut. We must've hit almost 70 degrees! One day of t-shirt weather was a very nice treat.

I got an email today from Tina at GiddyGiddy saying she found BB's picture (of her wearing one of their clips) on my flickr account. She was so nice and sent us a little snowman clip that I can't wait to see! Look out for BB's picture in their "Giddiness" section, coming soon! Tina, you made my week!
Time to give BB a bath. She looks awfully itchy, poor thing.
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