1. We discovered two new teeth in BB's mouth coming in through the top gums.
2. BB started to feed herself! Seeing this always gets me excited and proud.
3. BB walked 13 steps -- the width of the hallway!
4. I finally sent out (most of) our Thank You cards for the birthday party.
We went out to the city yesterday to visit Wayne, Leslie, and the twins (even though the temperature was BELOW zero). I was kind of bummed that we didn't make it to neither the aquarium nor the science museum, but we still had a good time out (with the emphasis on OUT, as in AWAY from home). Wayne's pomeranian Boo Boo was much friendlier with BB this time, and BB enjoyed being licked to death.
So I'm sure there are many things that need to be done, but I'm feeling so scatterbrained today. I'm going to need to sit down and write out a list. Ughhhh. I'm trying to finish a cashmerino hat for BB since she's outgrown her purple one. This one is a berry color. Hopefully, I'll get it done by the end of the week.
And, since I didn't finish writing about Valentine's Day (the content of my abandoned post), I'll put it in a nutshell. I went out in the blizzard to get some wine and dessert for the dinner I was making (steak and asparagus, which Dave loves), but the liquor store rejected my license because it expired on my birthday! Yes, I know my birthday was back in December and I need to renew it ASAP, but I felt like an underage college student all over again! Luckily, when I called Dave, he had already bought some wine! I swear, we share the same brain. Dinner was nice, dessert was tasty (I got chocolate berry tarts from Whole Foods), and we ended the night by watching Lost in bed. The red tulips I got are pictured above, the dessert below. In a nutshell, a good night!

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