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Miso Scared
Oh, what a day! I took BB to Boston to pick up Dave this afternoon. We needed to buy some yakitori sauce, so we went to that Japanese mall @ Porter's Square. Since the two of us (adults) were starving we decided to grab some yaki don at Cafe Mami. As our entrees came, the waitress tried to move around our appetizers so that my sizzling plate wouldn't be near BB's reach. It all happened in a blur, but all of a sudden I saw BB do this amazing stretch in the direction of a bowl of miso soup. All I could think was, OH SHIT! It went all over her little hand and down the side of her pants. I was absolutely mortified, instinctly grabbed my ice water, and dunked her whole forearm into it. Dave picked her up and held her close and I held a cold towel on her hand for awhile and thank goodness she was wearing thick pants, so the soup didn't soak through. Luckily she was fine after 5 minutes and continued to shout back and forth with an 8 month old boy sitting at the table next to us. She smelled like miso all the way home. Talk about a big scare!
BB also had another accident tonight. As I carried her naked to the bathroom for her bath, she peed on the carpet in the bedroom. My little puppy.
On a much lighter note (while we're still on the subject of things Japanese), I received a wonderful surprise in the mail from a very good friend who was born in Nippon, as they say. This was totally unexpected since I told her not to send me anything, but it was so sweet of her.

How can you not love lemon lotions, shea butter lip balm, and mimosa-scented home perfume? Thanks, Mo, for the lovely and thoughtful gift. Time to pamper myself!
I also cannot let a gift I received the other month go unmentioned - this from two other fantastic girlfriends who I also love and miss seeing every day.

The first picture is of a "message bean" plant from SMP. When you water it, it sprouts and has the word "love" on the plant. It's so neat. I just checked out their website and realized that I've been to their New York store and it's a very cool one. I haven't grown it yet because I want to be diligent with watering it. I'm going to my mother's on Sunday for a week or two, so I shouldn't grow it now -- I don't trust Dave to water it every day since the plants that he used to have in his old apartment are LONG dead.
The second is this cute little bowl and chopstick set with little whales on them that they got for BB. They are absolutely adorable and I cannot wait for her to be able to use them! I can't wait to see her use chopsticks! So cute! Both the message bean and set are Japanese products. Japan cranks out some pretty cool stuff...except miso soup...
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