Except that we were missing Daddy, BB had a nice first Halloween. I say "nice" meaning it was a good time, but rather sedate (which is fine with me). As you can see, BB was a pumpkin -- probably THE most adorable pumpkin ever (humor me). We were missing Daddy since we came to visit my mother in Connecticut this past Sunday and plan to stay another week and a half.
BB and I ran errands earlier in the day and made a trip to the local Whole Foods in West Hartford. It's definitely a VERY nice one and definitely beats the pants off the one we regularly visit -- which I thought was very nice to begin with. I dressed BB in her costume "undergarments": black leggings and a black shirt with a little girl mummy that read "Mummy's Girl." I put her little pumpkin hat on and it was a hit. BB had many admirers at the store, even while she blew raspberries. We picked up a little pumpkin and a little gourd to go with it because I couldn't let her go sans pumpkin on her first Halloween! Here are some pictures from our little excursion:

In the evening, we visited a few neighbors. Our neighbors across the street have two girls (one who is 2 months younger than BB), so we had to stop by and say hello. BB loved watching the kids come to the door for candy and was very excited to see them. There were some delinquent teens laying on our front lawn. My mother wanted to go "shoo" them, but I told her to let them stay -- they were all sprawled out on the area where our dog Penny likes to "do her business" the most. Happy Halloween! Here are some pictures of BB rolling around on the (clean) floor:

Anyway, I am really butt tired (those of you who have heard me say that know I am not talking about my butt -- by "butt" I mean "very"). Time to go to bed. More coherent writing some other time.
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