BB decided to cry her lungs out last night and I was so relieved when Dave came home and took over. I decided to make the lemon curd and raspberry tarts I saw on an episode of Take Home Chef. My previous attempt to make the pastry shells was a disaster. The pastries turned into monsters and puffed up too much in the middle. The same thing happened this time (even though I meticulously buttered each layer of filo) but I caught them halfway through the bake time and pushed them down a bit. Let me just say that I don't want to make these again. Too much work. I waited too long to make them and my poor (and expensive) raspberries went bad. I used strawberries in place, but they weren't the same. The lemon curd tasted great, but the recipe overall was just a waste of my time.
The other day I stopped by Atrium mall and popped into Babystyle. I was so excited to see that they were carrying Giddy Giddy hairclips. I have been eyeing these for months but didn't really feel like paying S&H on them -- they run at $8 a pop and are the tiniest things. I got BB two and they are just so cute! I love that they actually stay on and are not irritable. I don't think BB even notices them.
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